Feature update: Home office planning for the modern working environment
opcycWFM can do home office! This is a good way to describe the new feature for opcycWFM. Starting before the turn of the year, opcyc has now delivered the first development stage of the new feature to its customers of the latest opcycWFM platform.
Employees can, should or must work from home, but certain others cannot. Activities can or cannot be carried out in the home office, as certain technologies are only available on site. Company agreements, e.g. on proportional home-office distributions, must be able to be taken into account. “When you get into the topic of working from home from a WFM perspective, you quickly realize how complex it actually is. We want to offer our customers a solution that is not only suitable for Corona-adhoc, but can also be used sensibly in the new normal situation. In this respect, the feature that has now been delivered is only the first step. In the current version, we are meeting the basic requirements of our customers. We enable them to plan their employees’ home office activities and get a meaningful overview of them,” says Ender Tezel, Head of Customer Management at opcyc and member of the Management Board. Tezel adds two practical use cases: “Replanning must not suddenly assign an employee in the home office a task that cannot be carried out in the home office. And what will actually happen to the carpool that can be planned with a modern WFM if the driver is working from home next Tuesday? Which feature has priority and when?”
In the next step, the new feature will be further developed with a view to complex rotation models and the existing planning logics will be brought into line with it in a configurable manner.
“Instead of tools for home office planning that were quickly created in the summer of 2020, our claim to be the most operational WFM solution on the market was more important to us,” says Ralf Thomas, Managing Director at opcyc, explaining the timeline for implementing this feature, adding “Very complex operational processes are involved in home office planning and customers are also only slowly developing a kind of standard for this based on their previous pandemic experience. With the first stage of the home office feature, opcycWFM’s customers are being met with their basic requirements and its use is already demonstrating the accuracy of our implementation.”
The advanced solution will be delivered at the end of the first quarter of 2021. The home office feature is now an integral part of the opcycWFM suite.
A tutorial on using the home office feature is available to opcycWFM customers in the customer area.
About opcyc
opcyc GmbH, founded in 2011, laid the foundations for the WFM suite back in 2002 under the influence of one of Germany’s leading customer service providers. With the opcycWFM software developed from operational practice, opcyc offers one of the most powerful systems for planning and managing customer service centers. opcycWFM supports all workforce management processes: Forecasting, shift and resource planning, operational controlling, payroll-ready time management, reporting and analysis. With the opcycDOCS module, opcyc also makes the first operational back-office controlling possible.
With opcycWFM, opcyc stands for the most configurable, operational and affordable workforce management with personnel administration and time management in all sizes. opcyc’s customers include banks, customer service and e-commerce service providers, insurance companies, technology, event and tourism companies and energy suppliers.