opcycWFM at the CCW 2020
Workforce management (WFM) is a buzzword that is currently on everyone’s lips again and opcyc GmbH has once again brought it to life. At CCW 2020, opcycWFM was presented as the most the configurable, operational and affordable WFM suite with personnel administration and time management. As the only software in this area that was not created at the green table, opcyc has already earned its reputation as the operational WFM solution in recent years. The configurability has been further expanded and the new price structure allows the statement: “most affordable” WFM suite!
From personnel management to forecasting, planning, controlling, intraday management, sophisticated absence management and the preparation of payroll-ready data, opcycWFM offers integrated mapping of the operational cycle of a customer service center. op as in operation cyc as in cycle, opcycWFM lives up to this claim through its extremely high configurability alone. Without lengthy and costly customizing, centers ranging in size from around 50 agents to international corporations can map the requirements of their own organization. With myOPCYC, we have also succeeded in creating an employee portal that meets the most modern requirements on the one hand, yet is still functionally related to opcycWFM in a playful way.
The opcycDOCS module was unveiled at CCW 2020. For the first time, it has been possible to seamlessly integrate real back-office planning and control into a WFM suite. In contrast to previous solutions in which the logic for synchronous communication (calls) was more or less bent for back-office activities, opcycDOCS offers the possibility of taking into account the needs of asynchronous communication. A document can possibly be left for the time being and another one processed first. This simple realization has highly complex implications that cannot be adequately taken into account in today’s customer service world. With opcycDOCS this is possible!
Visitors were given a live insight into opcycWFM at the opcyc stand G18 in Hall 3.
Those who preferred a short, concise presentation could also get to know opcyc at the CCW 2020 in the demo forum: 02.03.2020 11.40 am, 03.03.2020 2.30 pm, 04.03.2020 9.30 am.
About opcyc
opcyc GmbH, founded in 2011, laid the foundations for the WFM suite back in 2002 under the influence of one of Germany’s leading customer service providers. With the opcycWFM software developed from operational practice, opcyc offers one of the most powerful systems for planning and managing customer service centers. opcycWFM supports all workforce management processes: Forecasting, shift and resource planning, operational control, payroll-ready time management, reporting and analysis. With the opcycDOCS module, opcyc also makes the first operational back-office control possible.
With opcycWFM, opcyc stands for the most onfigurable, operational and affordable workforce management with personnel administration and time management in all sizes. opcyc’s customers include banks, customer service and e-commerce service providers, insurance companies, technology, event and tourism companies and energy suppliers.